
Pro-Hamas, Ft. Lauderdale

December 31, 2008
From a friend.

view video:


On Tuesday December 30, 2008 – I took the Concorde jet to Pakistan and videotaped a Pro-Hamas demonstration in downtown Karachi … except, I did not take the Concorde and did not go to Pakistan…but I did tape a Pro-Hamas Demonstration…in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.




Please Forward This Email To Everyone You Know!



  1. Like we don’t have enough problems in America and now their religious problems are pouring into our streets. You Cant even have a Christmas anything without a problem, and yet these people are allowed to do prayer time on our streets. They all need to just get the hell out of America and support their cause in a country where it will make a difference. AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT THAT COUNTRY.

  2. This in our country

  3. They should have all been transported to the airport and put on a plane to Gaza. I’d like to see how much protesting they would do there.

  4. My comment (I’m jewish, lets start from here):
    Israel is on that land for over 2,000 years. Let not forget that Jesus was a jewish living in Israel 2,000 years ago.
    Palestinians did not exist up to 50 years ago. They were a bunch of tribes living on their own spread out over Middle East, and 2/3 (two thirds) of their people lived in JORDAN. That’s it: the so called “Palestine” was 2/3 what is now Jordan and 1/3 what is now Israel.
    Anyway, they have the right to live in this land, as much as israelis have. BUT, if they throw missils to Israel, because they want it ALL, well, they will face defensive army against this will. If the government in Gaza is not capable to stop the missils (let’s not go to the fact that they PROVIDE the munitions and incentivate this attacks: simply not being able to stop it is enough), sell, Israel have the right to do so.
    Gaza was GIVEN by israelis (not important if it was given, or given BACK), in exchange for peace. If peace don’t come, they (Israel) just did the enemies closer for atacks.
    So, muslims and jewish can live together. They have 95% ALIKE customs nas habits, and only 5% different culture. See how they live well togethere in Brazil, with their business close to each other.
    Finally, the last commentary is that civilian deaths are caused because the coward Hamas don’t let the palestinians run away from the attacks, they use children, women and hospitals and schoos as a shadow to their troups.
    I think we can all live together, but we have to RESPECT each other, and respect other’s religions and beliefs.
    Without that, while some throw DAILY hundred of bombs into the other, this other have the right -and the obligation- do defend itself going to those nest;
    This is very simple.
    About THIS reunion, I’m not scared, it was a reasonably peacefull protest. That’s democracy.
    Funny is the sugestion to thow a nuke bomb in Israel… because it would kill about 3,000,000 jewish and about 30,000,000 arabs around it.. and this woman seem not to care about it.
    Besides, one bomb here, other there (both countries have nuke bombs) and the solution is destroying million of lifes? People don’t THINK… that’s the only explanation.

  5. Pray for the peace of Israel.

  6. I can not believe how STUPID these people are and HOW STUPID they think everyone else is….


  7. So, Hammas fires hundreds of rockets across the Gaza border into Israel and these Islamic sympathizers believe there’s nothing wrong with that.

    With the invasion on, I only hope that the IDF finishes the job once and for all.


  9. Our constitution allows free speech and gathering don’t ever forget that! It also allows citizens to be PRO ACTIVE in the way our government is run and also encourages citizens to pull together and by the sheer numbers of people gathered together in a common cause to make that cause the direction our government shall go. Complain all you like, but start forming “American’s for America” groups and put these camp followers out of our minds and Country!
    America was founded on the Christian Faith and was tolerant of other religions. Now other religions are making Christians afraid to stand up for themselves. Christians have taken a Back Seat Be aware of whats happening, stop complaining and be PRO ACTIVE.

  10. Im a 6’6 235lb pound Amreican jew living in Israel that has been in many fights but never hit anyone unless they struck first…

    After watching that I was aching to kick the S out of that big mouth F pig palestinian with the green shirt on…

    Let me have him for one minute,,,he’ll never support violence agian.

  11. This is America! If they are American citizens with the proper documentation then they have the right to protest, if not then they need to go home and protest in their own country. If they are not legal citizens then they need to go home where they came from and protest in their own land! Delta is ready when they are and I’ll even help pay for their flight!

  12. IF this is too much for anyone to read, just stop and go watch TV, nobody is making you read this, but this is how it is and how it will be.

    Bottom line: Palastinian people are just mad that they live in a desert and will really never have the things Israeli people or American people will have. Yet, these low-life losers are here in America living better than they will in that sh1thole called Gaza.

    The Israelis: They are the biggest wimps on planet earth. They were given a free piece of land after WWII to call their own and they don’t even defend it properly, the Israeli government is CRAP!!! Until they step up and kill 10,000 Palastinians for every Israeli that is killed by the terrorist group Hamas (cowards), this conflict will never end. The Israeli government does not care about their own people like you think they do.

    Every state in America has a scummy place to live, every city has its ghetto where scumbags live and crime is high…well the Middle East is and always will be a sh1thole. That entire region of the world is a shithole, the Middle East is the arm-pit of the world, it needs to be cleaned up once and for all. This Muslim horsesh1t has gone on long enough, there needs to be another holocaust, starting with any Muslim that doesn’t like any other religion or people and thinks they are the only puke that should be alive on this planet. If you’re a good Muslim, live well and you can stick around. That goes for terrorist kids too, kill them all and start fresh. The Muslim religion might be ok, but there’s too many asshole loser Muslims that have pissed all over it and turned it into something its not.

    Fact is: If this world exterminated all the “extreme” Muslims, this world would be a much better place, period, no argument. If Israel gave those dirtbag losers the land that they want, they would still blow up buses and schools and restaurants, its all they know, they’re a bunch of uneducated losers, and thats all they really want to be. I do believe they kind of got a raw deal when after the war the UN gave that region to the Jews and said they could run it as they please, that was not right. But you don’t come here to America and start sh1t ion our streets, on American soil. Thats not going to fly with many Americans and blood will be shed if this type of crap continues.

    If things get bad here in the states, as in bad to the point where the police are having trouble keeping people safe, I will excersise my right to protect myself and my family, and kill any of these extremists if I have to. The first Muslim extemists that have to go are the ones who think they’re going to become some kind of extremist leader like that black azzhole that was talking in that video doing the prayer session. These are the assholes that get the younger stupid, uneducated, weak minded punks to join in, so these leader wanna-be’s must be the first to go.

    Its going to get worse here, there’s no doubt, so just prepare yourself like I have. Nothing lasts forever, not even the great USA. Times change and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Someone mentioned that “freedom of speech” is a right, well maybe it shouldn’t be anymore, that will at least stop demonstrations like we had in Lauderdale. What if they yelled kill Iraq in the streets of Iraq when Sadam Hussein was still alive…they die, no more extremist. So, if you’ve traveled the entire world like I have you will see that there are good things and good rules and laws everywhere, and bad rules and bad laws everywhere, along with bad leaders, but no one single country has it all totally right yet. Certainly not this country, America is flawed all over the place.

    I can just say one last thing to any Ft. Lauderdale Muslim extremist that may read this comment: Be aware of the “Stand Your Ground” rule in the state of Florida. You attempt to kill or inflict great bodily harm (which can be just a broken bone) upon a citizen and you can be shot where you stand. Hope for your sake you never run into me and try to hurt me or my family in any way. You will d** and be one less loser in my country.

    Good idea “Give”. I’ll look into starting a group, “Americans for America”, sounds like its exactly what we need, unfortunately as it may be. But like I said, times are always changing, you must change with them or you will be run over and left in its wake.

  13. I lived in Fort Lauderdale from 1974 until 1998. All I can say is that the demographics sure have changed! This scenario took place on Broward Blvd at the intersection of 3rd Avenue. Broward Blvd is the intersecting line that divides North & South Fort Lauderdale, and Andrews Avenue divides it from East to West. The building in the foreground with the water flowing over the steps is the FEDERAL COURTHOUSE BUILDING in Fort Lauderale. This is in between Andrews Avenue to the West and Federal Highway aka US Route 1 to the East. In all the years I have lived in that area, nothing and I mean NOTHING like this has ever happened before. But the times are changing and NOT for the good. And then you wonder why so many cringe at the thought of the word “CHANGE” that was used by OBAMA during his campaign ad nauseum. It is crap like this that worries AMERICANS. But no matter what your views, the fact is if you look at the video close enough, those sporting Obama Caps and Shirts were on the Palestian Side. And then these people have the audacity to say Muslims are peace loving. Wishing death to ANYONE is not what I call peace loving!!! I don’t care what race, creed, religion or nationality you are….HATE IS HATE! I agree with many who say they should all have been shoved to the East right into the Atlantic Ocean and let their butts swim until they reach their “chosen land” because it is obvious that their allegience is NOT to the UNITED STATES but a Middle Eastern Country. Taking them South to the airport and flying them out would be an expense. Hell, let the sharks have dinner!!!! Fish need to eat too.

  14. In order to get a better understanding for just how dangerous these people are everyone, especially our politicians should read Brigitte Gabriel’s book “They Must Be Stopped”.

    • Mary G,

      I agree – We’ve sent out 150+ copies of “They Must Be Stopped” – all who read it tell us it’s a very valuable addition to our reading responsibility.

      I’ll post a list of a number of other available books – all important to know about.


  15. I am an Israeli citizen
    I wish to thank you the wonderful people of Fort Lauderdale for your support

    Exactly last January I was your guest at F.Lauderdale, you must thanks god every morning for what you have.

    Hope you will be cleverer not to do our mistake to let them live around you ,
    Cancer should be taking care a.s.a.p you discover him.


  16. It is every US citizens right to protest. If these people want to express there anger over government policies they can. No violence allowed.

    I think it is very strange that when I look over the web and see news from other countries, like England and Israel, I see more horror committed against the Palastians than US news shows.

    I see things like this and think what it must have been like in NAZI Germany when the press only reported what the government wanted them to. How could people judge what was what – without all the facts. What happened to those who demonstrated against the government policies?

    Hitler through these people out of the country he said-but in truth we know what happened to them. Death Camps, no rights using a press and a few people with small minds to govern the Information. Is this what the speaker is advocating? What he showed here is people exercising their constructional rights. He gave us his opinion, this is his right but what is he saying-anyone who is not like him and does not agree with him should be removed.

    Or is his point hate and anger. Is it propaganda I am unclear as to what this man is doing.

    As I view the information on the net I find that The US is hated by all, why? We are a good People a great Nation so what has the USA gone from being the world Hero to the Worlds most Hated country.

    If you believe the US News it is because the whole world does not understand what it is doing – Only we do. Or as my mother once said “ if you are in a band and the whole band is going south and you are going north maybe you should make sure you are doing it right”.

    I think it is time for people to get off the seats, and do there own research, no let people like this Speaker talk for us. Read review all the news from both sides in a conflict and Judge for yourself what is what.


    • Dear David,

      Your mother was right! when all you read and see in the news is hate toward Israel and the Jews – when all you get from much of the world press is how bad Israel treats the “Palestinians” – you should recognize and know that the propaganda is targeting the (I’m sorry to say, the naïve public) – you.

      Israel in 1948 was made a free country by the United Nations (at the same time Palestine was given 2 to 3 times the amount of land) – yet within 24 hours, Israel was attacked by 5 Muslim nations – who expected to win their illegal aggression by exterminating the Israelis.

      But they lost! (They had told their population to leave (temporarily) so that their troops and tanks and equipment could destroy Israel –and their meager defenses – then they could come back and have all the property.) The Islamists outnumbered Israelis 10 or 11 to one. Israel didn’t even have a real military – but they prevailed. Some say miraculously!

      Read your history. Read the truth. Don’t believe you are wrong just because world press and Islamist propaganda tells you lies.

      Go to Israel – anyone can. Learn the truth. We have friends who live in Israel.


  17. Americans would not bomb any place that we knew children, women and old men lived.

  18. Eileen Schimansky,

    Not that I’m against what the US military did in WWII when they bombed Japan two times with the A-Bomb…………but we did kill more innocent old men, women and children than all other countries combined in the history of mankind.

    BUt like I said, I’m glad we did it. Bomb Pearl Harbour for no reason and kill our innocent people, and you will lose 20 times that.

    Thats the rule the coward Israeli government needs to do to protect its people from the loser Palistinian people, government and terrorist groups they have there, they are all one in the same to me. For every Israeli killed or injured, 10,000 innocent Palistinians will die the next day.

    Do that…and the fighting will end.

  19. We now have a fifth column in the US of haters of our country who want to destroy the US and all it stands for. They will use our freedoms to destroy freedom for all of us, if we let them. Send them back to the countries they came from. No more should be allowed to enter the US.

  20. If Israel did not exist the moslem fundamentalists would have to make it up so they could focus their people’s hate against someone. By deceit and lies they brainwash their people to believe that the Jews stole their land and that Israel is their enemy. They are taking over the minds of everyday moslem citizens and this is what you get!!!

  21. Sadly some of those supporters are self-hating Jews who have fallen for the Palestinian BS

  22. Whether or not they are legal citizens if they or their parents were not born in this country they should have their citizenship withdrawn and immediately repatriated to the land of their birth!
    What they are doing is treason and in most of the countries of their birth they would be shot.

  23. God Bless Israel. The time is near. Organize the fish.

  24. A lot to do for the next Government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Any one who support terrorism should be considered enemy of the State, never mind “freedom of expression” The USA should start to prepare to install camps as they did for the Japanese-Americans,WW2, where this 5th column should be, waiting to be deported to their own countries. Laws should be amended, not to wait for another 911. America is already conquered by islamists. Enough immigration, enough freedom. They did not came for freedom, they came to spread, to conquer, without fight, without weapons. Those demonstrations does not shows you, AMERICANS, anything?…. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE, BUT DON’T WAIT TO TAKE A DECISION.

  25. This is where America will be lost to the towel heads etc. Why don’t they stay home where they belong. We have enough problems without all of this. I hope our new pres. is American enough to steer clear of this kind of junk.

  26. WTF ARE YOU DOING IN MY COUNTRY?!?!? LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT YOU SELFISH EVIL VERMINS!!! AMERICANS WAKE THE F$%@# UP!!! These people don’t just want us out of the middle east! They want us dead and off this planet!!! EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!!! I rather fight them THERE than fight them in my country!!!

  27. What is not being shown to the American public is the fact that militant Islam desires to decapitate all who are non-Muslim.

    It is a religion of hate and violence. When they are not attempting to behead all non-Muslims, they fight and kill one another.

    Why doesn’t the national media show these creatures doing what they love to do. Why don’t they show us the beheading tapes these animals make when they slaughter innocent people like the butchers they really are.

    The Judeo-Christian teaching of love for others is replaced by kill all who do not embrace your religion of hate and violence towards those who disagree with you. We can easily see who these people really are by their fruits.

    • Steve, I’ll agree with every statement of yours. We are to “Seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness (not ours since we have no righteousness – except by His grace) and all these things will be added unto you” – that’s what I live.

      I’ve read over 450 books on Islam – you are correct in your brief example – some are coming to Christ – those dear souls are amazing [see Hicham Chehab’s brief letter:
      – Dear Friends, This month, March 2009, we celebrated the first anniversary of Salam Church, a fellowship of converts and seekers, the first of its kind in Chicagoland. Also, this year, is witnessing an expansion in the ministry to the Muslims, as well as unified efforts between different denominations in order to give fresh converts and seekers a good example; as followers of Christ. I have joined hands with the Billy Graham Center and Moody Church in order to break the denominational boundaries. Both institutions are offering good perspectives, as well as teaching and discipleship to converts that I have recently baptized from the Middle East and North Africa. (I’ll email pictures of Hicham, if you’d like) . In addition, I have joined an international worship service that includes African Americans, Hispanics, Arabs, and others.
      Concerning ministry to Muslim students, we have expanded to another community college campus in Illinois, where we give Bibles and tracts free to Muslim students. The harvest is ripe, and we need more laborers and financial support.
      I hope that you will be able to bless this ministry again with a donation. Thanks ]

  28. What did Jesus teach? What did Jesus really teach by his example? How many people did he kill in the name of Christianity?

    • “How many people did he (Jesus) kill in the name of Christianity?”: None actually – remember Peter cut off the ear of the guard – Jesus restored it.

      Jesus RAISED people from the dead.

      We are promised eternal life – believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.


  29. F HAmas and all other terrorist organizations…. they should line them all up roll our bullets in pigs blood and shoot them one at a time…. spreading christianity in 3 to 5 round burts!!

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